Sunday, May 13, 2007

This saturday was fulfilling

Firstly got to meet Sree.After a long time.And what he brought with him was ever more exciting...
He brought the Simputer...which happens to be a mobile Linux platform with a lot of things that can be done on it,and also had a look at Ubuntu and seriously wondering why ppl are not moving to such an operating system..I mean it totally rocks!!
Since the simputer runs Linux,I was in awe at what he brought.Also it was a new Sree that I met,and was fairly unrecognizable at first glance!(Well I was not the only one by the way)
And actually a meet with Sree made me realise how less i knew about myself and how good he is at seeing beyond the obvious..

Hopped to Lamington, had the chance to meet Bhakti..But she was sleeping when I was leavin.
The fun part was that she called up a little later when I was back home and the devil in me could not wait to trick her.Well she had a good time loitering around the place as she followed directions around which I told her,and she fell for it,believing that I was back there.
The fun part was her banging the phone down when she realised.hehehe
Last but not the least,I could catch up with my CAT studies which happen to be lagging far behind and giving me a conscious feeling that something's wrong..

I would be able to sleep peacefully this saturday.


ksp said...

Okay this comment comes a bit late, as I forgot to add your blog to my reader, but that's been fixed :D

Thanks for the compliments :), but I don't think I'm seeing beyond the obvious. At the most, I'm simply seeing what everybody has seen, and am just repackaging it. It'll be a long time before that happens ;)

I dunno what I made you realise, may be a post on that?

Alpa Dedhia said...

seriously Ubuntu is much better and you will like fedora also ...neways got u r blog address from gargi .. good going ...