I dont know where it is heading...
I started a social experiment a few months ago.October 2006 to be precise.
It involved understanding of Grapevines
The reason I did this is that I am throughly fascinated by "Grapevines".The way they can circulate important information withing a group of people with very native tools like speech(although today speech is augmented by wireless phone networks but that is another story )
The point is that I was trying to assess how fast a piece of information flows from person to person.There was no genre of messages that I employed,but it normally included information pertaining to money for most of the time.And sometimes about certain tech stuff that I did.
(A note of advice if you are reading this that it is entirely possible that you have been a part of it.)
The results are so confusing and voluminous that now I am employing techniques that are normally employed in statistics.
More about this in later posts...The point is that this blog is not about how I did the project,It is about me just informing you that,If this experiment turns up to be good and I tend to earn money from this,you will definitely be a shareholder in that..And the share not only is in money but in all recognition that I have from this..And if I have hurt your sensibilities then I am extremely sorry.