Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Nexus One with a broken power button[Solved]

I have a Nexus One with a broken power button! No matter what you do, the phone will not turn on..So I had the following options

1) Return the same to HTC is the phone is under warranty and you are in the United States.

2) Get it repaired from a HTC service center in your country.

3) Use a different button on the phone to perform the same set of operations as the power button.

For me 1) was out of question, 2) was way expensive (Rs 4000/ 80 USD for a phone which is not worth that price).

3) was the most easiest and the most non intrusive of all three options and involved the following steps.I utilised the volume buttons and the the scroll wheel to wake the phone and other options which were served by the power button.

Common Instructions

If you need to restart the phone, its impossible to do so, since the power button is broken.In such a scenario, follow this

a)Connect the phone to a charger/USB.
b)Remove the battery from the phone once you see the charging light on the phone
c)Insert the battery and keep it there until you see the charging light again.
Continue doing steps b) and c) until the phone boots (Phone normally boots in 4 attempts).

It is required that the phone be fully charged in order to complete the steps correctly.A phone shutting off in between an upgrade/flashing due to low battery is sure to brick
Thanks Angelo for this quick tip!!

Warning- The steps mentioned below will void your warranty and possibly lead to a bricked phone is not followed correctly.You have been warned!

1)Downgrade the phone to Android 2.2 from 2.3.4 or 2.3.6

This step is required as Google has plugged the exploit in the 2.3.X versions which allow rooting the phone.

Its is the best idea to upgrade your contact information, SMS, MMS, Images, Videos and anything you deem important to either Google by syncing or to a local disk on a computer.The data is irrecoverable right after now!

Download the 2.2 Shipped ROM from the link.

The name of the zip archive is Passion_Google_WWE_2.16.1700.1_FRG33_MFG_Shipment_ROM.zip.

Make sure the size of the file is roughly 84 MB.A lower value suggests the file is corrupted and has the highest chance of bricking your phone.

Once downloaded, extract the zip inside the zip file, and rename the file as PASSIMG.zip (please note the case, only the filename PASSIMG.zip will work)

Copy this file to the root of the phone SDCard.

Turn your phone off, by removing the battery.

Keep the Volume(-) button pressed, try to power up the phone following the common instructions mentioned above.

Once the phone boots, release the volume button and wait for the HBOOT to recognise the PASSIMG.zip file.

It will ask for permissions to upgrade, select yes using the appropriate volume buttons.

The phone will boot automatically once the upgrade is done.

Steps available here.

Once you have downgraded the phone, make sure you create your Google account setup on the phone as some steps will require downloading apps from the Android Market.

2)Rooting the phone

Download SuperOneClick on your desktop, extract the zip archive, and run the application.Connect your phone to the computer and hit the "Root" button.You need to put your phone in USB debugging mode from Settings >Applications > Development > Enable USB Debugging. You will also need the Android SDK installed to complete this step.

SuperOneClick is pretty straightforward, and you will have root permission with ease.

Reboot your phone.

3)Install ROM Manager

Download the latest stable build of CyanogenMod for Nexus one from here.

Rename this downloaded file as update.zip and copy it to the SD card.

Search for ROM Manager on the Android Market, and install it.The free version will suffice for this entire task.

When you will run ROM Manager, a prompt will ask if you would like to assign SuperUser permissions to ROM Manager.Select yes.

When ROM Manager loads, select the option that says "Flash ClockWorkMod Recovery"
This will flash the Recovery tool on your phone.

After the recovery is installed, select the option "Install ROM from SD Card".Select the update.zip file, and for the options to be selected, Backup Existing ROM,Wipe Data and Cache, Wipe Dalvik Cache, all need to be selected.

Once the Cyanogenmod is installing, do not interrupt the process and let it happen.It takes a good 10-15 minutes for everything to complete.

You need to install the google apps package, because CM7 does not come bundled with these.Download the gapps file , rename as update.zip, and copy to root of SD card. Open ROM Manager and repeat steps above, select the update.zip and then let ROM manager do its awesome job!

This was the final step!

Congrats! you have completed rooting and modifying your Android phone with a custom ROM.

Once the phone has booted completely, make sure you go to Settings > CyanogenMod Settings > Input >Trackball Wake[selected]

Install Quick Boot from the Android Market, and create a shortcut on your phone to reboot.

Install the battery calibration app from the Android Market and re-calibrate the battery with the app instructions.

If by chance you phone hangs, you need to restart, it is necessary to have a charger or a USB cable to jump start the phone.Follow the same guidelines as described above to start the phone.


Angelo said...

and you need to do all of this with a full charge. if the battery dies in the middle of any of this, you'll have a brick

Rupin Chheda said...

Updated the instructions !!!

Kit Fox said...

Genuinely big thanks. My N1 button crapped out, warranty expired I figured what the hell, very detailed and helpful. I was really scared of doing it but your guide, especially tailored to those with the broken power button really helped. Thanks.

Rupin Chheda said...

Kit Fox- You need to re-callibrate the battery once you install CM7.Use the Battery callibration app from the market, charge your phone to 100%, then start callibration, and then let it discharge to 0 without charging it.The app will show correct instructions to complete this step.

Flo said...

Thanks for this guide, it worked for me. I have Cyanogenmod 7 installed. Now I have some troubles to install the Google apps, how did you solve this?
I downloaded the appropriate file gapps-gb-20110307-signed.zip an put it on the SD Card. When I choose "Install ROM from SD Card" and choose the gapps-gb-20110307-signed.zip file the N1 reboots and I'm stuck in the bootloader menu where I cannot choose any options since you have to press the power button to do so.
Any ideas?
THX Florian

Flo said...

Thx again, I'm not exactly sure how, but I managed to get them installed by changing to the alternative recovery system in ROM manager and then booting in Recovery Mode with the app QuickBoot. Now a different screen shows up on restart and the trackball can be used to choose the options flash from SD and the corresponding .zip file.

Rupin Chheda said...

Thanks Florian for pointing that out for me.Updated the blog with specific instructions!

WJ-How said...

Tq so much man! =D SALUTE!

Kingen said...

Thanks, worked out very well!

ridge said...

my button is completely broken can I still use this as a fix?

Anonymous said...


rnunez said...

This really helped alot. The only problem I had was that the apps did not want to use the root access, or they did not recognize the Superuser. After hours of trying to get it to work, the only thing that did it was runnin the "su" command to check if the thing thad the super user access to begin with. I ran it on both the adb shell, and downloaded the adroid terminal app there too. After I ran it there I went back to ROM Manager and it started accepting the su permissions just fine. Thanks.

Dot said...

Hi, I followed the steps you mentioned but I am stuck on "Rooting the phone using SuperOneClick". For some reason that application stops responding after * daemon started successfully *. I have checked and the ADB driver has been installed properly. Because of the build "FRG33", universalandroot is not working either. Could you give me some tips to rectify this problem. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Dot- That is pretty strange, the tool works out of the box.Did you downgrade to 2.2?

lzblue said...

Thanks for the article. I stucked during rooting the phone and it turned out fine after I switch to a different computer. Thanks again!

Suman Sinha said...

You are pretty awesome dude! I had given up hope on my N1 but thanks to your clear instructions it has been given a second chance! :D
Thanks, really!

Unknown said...

This is great! thanks a lot man you really saved my nexus.

I seem to encounter a new problem, I can't download any app from google play, has any body encountered the same problem ?

Unknown said...

Now I can't login to google talk or download any apps from the market.

Any ideas anyone ??

Unknown said...

Rupin: you are life saver. Your crisp instructions made the process very simple.

Dot: I was having a similar problem to yours. I manually updated the ADB driver by following instructions at http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Howto:_Install_the_Android_SDK/Windows I followed instructions 16 to 25 and after that rooting worked.

Unknown said...

Hi there looks like a great guide, i ve read it n im almost ready to start. I only dont understand there where you writte
You also need the android sdk installed. What exactly is that? Could uou help me? Do i instal on my pc or fone ?
Thank you

Rupin Chheda said...

Yes, you will need it. The SDK has utilities that help the superoneclick connect with the phone. I think its the drivers that are required, am not sure because I am an app developer and the SDK comes as a part of the larger eclipse installation.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the reply! I managed to downgrade n root but then i had to remove the battery to reboot n now it wont turn on. I ve read the instructions but i ve tried since yesterday like 200 times n no luck.. Any other tips? Im almost there n i inly need the phone on for a last time :-(

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am assuming you tried jumpstarting it, if not its worth a try.

Unknown said...

Hi my friend finally al went ok i have cm7.2 n all work good! Thanks for the help !!! Top !

itsadok said...

Thank you. This guide helped a lot. SuperOneClick didn't work for some reason, but I managed to root the phone with GingerBreak.

stoobz said...

Hey there!

After I do Step3 and select the update.zip so the cyanogenMod will be installed, my nexus boots into that boot-selection screen (http://ilikemygooglephone.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/IMG_10431.jpg)

shouldnt it install everything automatically?

because of the broken power button I cant select anything...

many thanx for any help!!

Anonymous said...

yes, it will.

stoobz said...

Hey Rupin, thanks for your quick answere.
So if it boots into this screen, I just leave it and wait? Or how do I trigger the installation?

Anonymous said...

Be patient.Keep your phone battery topped up

Follow the instructions as recommended

stoobz said...

Hey Rupin, I did point 3 again, and it rebooted into this screen, where it hangs for like 20 min now: http://www.talkingmobi.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/1ok.jpg

is this ok? or should I reboot it and try again?


stoobz said...

I just realized, that I didnt do the Flash ClockWorkMod Recovery step. Because my ROM manager is in german, I mistook it with Install ClockworkMod recovery, which got installed in version

So if I want to install Flash ClockWorkMod Recovery it gives me an error: Flash ClockWorkMod Recovery is currently not available for your device.

how can that be?
what did I do wrong?

Thanks again for any help!!

stoobz said...

ok, for those of you who have the same probs - in ROM manager I installed the ra-recovery and with that one it finally worked!

I could boot into a menu where I could use the trackball to select and confirm all the stuff..

thanks again for all your help!

be-a-musing said...

Thanks for this. It is very helpful.

Couple of additional items :
1. The phone wasn't accessing https websites (which includes Market). Needed to reboot for that.
2. Android SDK wasn't updating (esp for the USB driver). Turns out that in the Options, you need to click on "force https to http" or something like that.
3. SuperOneClick (SOC) is blocked by Avira AntiVirus. If you have that, it needs to be turned off
4. I got stuck for a while in SOC because the Nexus One driver wasn't installed. It stopped after the adb daemon was restarted. Took me some time to figure that out.
5. I got stuck for some time on SOC because the phone was not in USB debugging mode after I had to reboot it.
6. ROM Manager seems to need an active internet connection (wifi ?) to work.

Thanks again, this was a life saver.


DamienG said...

Hello !
First, thanks for this post !
I followed step by step, but I m having problem downgrading: got message "system version is older! update fail!".
Any idea ? :)



Greg Neumarke said...

This post gave me the confidence to try for a cyanogenmod update. Unfortunately, I ran into trouble. I think my Nexus One had a newer OS that prevented the PASSIMG.zip downgrade technique from working. I was successful in moving right to the SuperOneClick program to root my phone, however. I think that in the time since you put these instructions together, the SuperOneClick person has figured out a way to root the newer versions. The program had no trouble rooting my phone.

From there, I installed the ROM Manager and successfully installed CyanogenMod no problem following your instructions. So - no OS downgrade needed!

A final note, the link for the Google Apps package is broken. Maybe link to the main page here. I was able to download it from the Mirror listed there:
(Scroll all the way to the bottom)
Current working direct link is:


O'jay said...

After step 3 my phone reboots with an exclamation mark and android logo and stays there...what do i do...its over 15mins already and i fear the battery may soon run out!

Argosi said...

I have the exact same problem as O'Jay. It's now been 30 minutes for me and I still have the same screen. Can it take this long or is something wrong? Anyone know what my options are at this point? I'm afraid to stop the process by removing the battery as I figure I could brick my phone. Help!

Unknown said...

it isn't working for me guy...got stucked at the root menu...dont think its rooting